C'est la rentrée! Back to work!

You know this feeling when it is back to the routine after a lovely holiday, life does not seem worth living! La vie ne vaut pas la peine d’être vécue! Fortunately, Cybermag has the answers for you so that you can enjoy life again!Are you ready for some tricks...

C’est la rentrée! Back to work!

You know this feeling when it is back to the routine after a lovely holiday, life does not seem worth living! La vie ne vaut pas la peine d’être vécue! Fortunately, Cybermag has the answers for you so that you can enjoy life again!Are you ready for some tricks...

More portraits…

Students with a good level in the French language have written some superb portraits inspired by 19th century French authors, here is what Susan wrote:Les opposantsLe premier est un grand homme, un peu replet, avec l’air hautain, froid et orgueilleux – bien qu’il...

Grégoire Delacourt and le Prix Goncourt

Did you know that Grégoire Delacourt has been nominated with fourteen ( quatorze) other writers ( écrivains ) for Le prix Goncourt 2014 for his new book called ( qui s’appelle) On ne voyait que le bonheur ( we could only see happiness). Le prix Goncourt is one...