by Alliance Française | Apr 26, 2015 | Blog
Christine, in Martine’s Wednesday morning French class wrote an excellent portrait of Barak Obama with really good vocabulary: Barack Obama Il est grand et mince et il a l’air sûr de lui mais pas arrogant. Ces cheveux sont courts et crépus et ils sont devenus...
by Alliance Française | Apr 19, 2015 | Blog
It will be the last showing before the Summer. The film is called Une place sur la terre ( A place on earth) with Benoît Poelvoorde, Ariane Labed and Max Baissette de Malglaive.Antoine is a disillusioned photographer ( un photographe désabusé) whose only friend is...
by Alliance Française | Apr 12, 2015 | Blog
What is Le Paris Roubaix? It is one of the oldest and most prestigious cycling race ( l’une des plus vieilles et des plus prestigieuses courses cyclistes). It started in 1896 and has been going eversince, except during the two world wars. This year was the...
by Alliance Française | Apr 5, 2015 | Blog
Audrey’s students have plenty of imagination and are very good at using the passive form in French: well done!!Here is another student proving she has a good alibi: La coupable, ce ne peut être moi! Il y a quelques raisons. Premièrement, Audrey a été retrouvée à...