by Alliance Française | Mar 27, 2016 | Blog
The weather was so fantastic in Bristol on good Friday ( le vendredi saint) that a lot of us spent most of the day doing some gardening ( faire du jardinage).Pat, one of Martine’s students in her Tuesday night French class, who is a landscape gardener (...
by Alliance Française | Mar 20, 2016 | Blog
France is divided into many different layers, so much so that it is called le mille feuilles, for those of you who like going into French pâtisseries, you will know this delicious looking cake which is made of lots of layers of puff pastry with crème pâtissière in...
by Alliance Française | Mar 13, 2016 | Blog
What is la Francophonie/ francophonie?The word appeared for the first time (pour la première fois) around 1880 when a French geographer used it to refer to people speaking French and to countries where French was spoken.There are two words:La francophonie, with a...
by Alliance Française | Mar 6, 2016 | Blog
Pierre Soulages, painter and engraver ( peintre et graveur), now well in his nineties has a museum named after him in Rodez, Aveyron where he was born.Julie, who is an historian of French art ( spécialiste en histoire de l’art), will talk, in French, about...
by Alliance Française | Mar 2, 2016 | Blog
As promised, please find below the list of songs Peter, Jonathan and Audrey performed on Friday night:Padam – Edith PiafLa bohème – Charles AznavourNous deux – Léo FerréLes vieux amants – Jacques BrelAvec le temps – Léo FerréJack the...