Sarlat is a beautifully preserved medieval town in the Dordogne. The city centre was not modernised, and as a result displays wonderful buildings. A popular tourist destination, the pedestrian streets are full of terraces, shops and street performers.

It’s the perfect place to amble around (flâner) in the sunshine (au soleil):




Sarlat, like many touristy places, has a lot of street entertainment to offer, such as magicians (magiciens), acrobats (acrobates), singers (chanteurs), clowns (clown but you
have to pronounce it “cloon” for it to sound French!) or other unique acts such as this uncanny entertainer balancing 5 glass balls (des boules de crystal) on his head! We tried to find out the trick (le tour) but he bluffed us (on n’a rien vu)!


Another great place to see street performers is Avignon. Every year it hosts a very famous theatre festival (a bit like Edinburgh but with more heat in the streets!) and small theatre companies take part on the fringe festival (we call it festival off!). To advertise for their shows, they parade the streets and perform to convince you to see their show. If you would like to find out more, click on Festival d’Avignon and Festival Off.

This week in Bristol we will be pretending to be in the South of France as well with our pétanque event; we are still enrolling for our French group classes in Bristol and Bath. Contact us if you wish!