Julie, specialist on French art, is giving a series of three talks on Tuesday afternoons in Bath. The talks are in French, illustrated with photos. The first talk is on wall paintings (les peintures murales), the second one on Roman remnants ( les ruines romaines) and the third one on Romanesque churches (les églises romanes) with their tympanums (leurs tympans). For more info…
The French religious architecture of the Middle Ages ( le Moyen Age) is first Romanesque from the 10th to the second part of the 12th century ( du Xème à la deuxième partie du XIIème siècle) and then Gothic ( gothique).
Some famous Romanesque monuments are Chartres cathedral ( la cathédrale de Chartres) with its tympanum:
And the abbaye at the Mont-Saint-Michel ( l’église abbatiale du Mont-Saint-Michel) with its nave ( sa nef):
Next Thursday, Véronique, French tutor in Bath, will be discussing with students Le quatrième mur by Sorg Chalandon.
Sorg Chalandon received Le prix Goncourt des lycéens with this book in 2013. It tells the story of Georges, an extreme left wing militant ( militant d’extrême gauche) who is pro Palestinian. He decides to go to the Lebanon of the 1980ies where war rages ( où la guerre fait rage), to direct Jean Anouilh’s Antigone in Beyrouth to fulfil a promise made to his friend Samuel Akounis, a pacifist Greek Jew ( un juif grec pacifique). The play will gather all the protagonists of the war for a two hour truce ( un répit de deux heures).
For more info…