Come and share with us an evening of games and drama in accessible French!
Tuesday 1st June, 2010
8.30 pm
Comedy Box, above the Hen and Chicken
210 North Street
Bedminster, Bristol, BS3 1JF
£2 at the door
Tuesday 1st June will be the end of a ten-week course, and the evening will give the brave actors/French students a chance to show us what they can do! There’ll be a few games with the audience and some short scenes created especially for the occasion.
Simon Fry of Venue commented after last year’s event: “Their efforts culminated in the performance of some innovative and amusing role plays before a 50-strong audience, enjoyed immensely by participant and observer alike.” There will be time after the show to socialise with the actors. As Simon says, “you may not end up at Cannes, but you’ll no doubt be clicking glasses in the bar after a stellar showing.”
Why not learn French with us? We offer a variety of French courses. For more info,