by Alliance Française | Mar 23, 2020 | Events, Les +, Workshops
“L’enfance humiliée, la rage et le désir de revanche qui poussent à se construire une autre identité ailleurs, les réconciliations tardives, forcément paradoxales et encombrées, avec une famille qui n’a jamais vraiment compris celui dont elle a provoqué la...
by Alliance Française | Aug 28, 2018 | Announcements, Events, Les +
The cine club is open to all students learning French with Alliance Française de Bristol but also to anyone with an interest in the French language. Please note, due to restrictions to the number of persons allowed in the room you will have to get a ticket below to...
by Alliance Française | Aug 26, 2016 | Les +
All our students get a discount for French films at the Watershed; just ask your teacher for the password!