by Alliance Française | Jun 29, 2017 | Blog
Sitting here surrounded by cardboard boxes, I have decided to procrastinate instead and share with you some useful vocabulary if you are moving house in France, or surrounded by a French spouse/in-laws/friends/neighbours… The first step of course is to find the...
by Alliance Française | Jun 26, 2017 | Blog
This weekend saw the celebration of 70 years twinning ( le jumelage) between Bristol Bordeaux and Hanover. People took part in two games for the occasion: they had to translate some false friends (faux amis) such as: une journée: a day, not a journey une librairie: a...
by Alliance Française | Jun 22, 2017 | Blog
Autumn together with spring is my favourite season for foraging. There are so many types of fruits out there, ripe (mûr) with sweetness just waiting to be picked (cueilli) and turned into delicious nectars. So, let’s go through the list of them and what to do with...
by Alliance Française | Jun 16, 2017 | Blog
The theme of our competition this year was “Ponts, liens entre deux mondes” – Bridges, link between two worlds. We have received wonderful poems from our students which you will be able to discover on this blog in the next few weeks. Here is Helen’s poem, Le...
by Alliance Française | Jun 2, 2017 | Blog
The theme of our competition this year was “Ponts, liens entre deux mondes” – Bridges, link between two worlds. We have received wonderful poems from our students which you will be able to discover on this blog in the next few weeks. Here is Helen’s poem called...