by Alliance Française | Apr 27, 2014 | Blog
Isa, our French chef and French teacher, once again is ready to teach a new recipe: une blanquette de poissons aux légumes printaniers et risotto aux petits pois et safran.La blanquette de veau is a traditional French dish with pieces of veal cooked in a white sauce...
by Alliance Française | Apr 19, 2014 | Blog
Alliance Française de Bath will be showing Itinéraires on Friday, 25th April, for more info …Itinéraires is a drama by Christophe Otzenberger with Yann Tregouët, Céline Cuignet and Lionel Abelanski.Thierry who is 18 has had problems with the police and is trying...
by Alliance Française | Apr 12, 2014 | Blog
The whole French group went to Lille with Eurostar and spent the weekend exploring Lille, its museums, markets, cafés and restaurants.This is what one of Isabelle’ s students wrote on their return:Mon activité préférée à Lille était le marché couvert, parce...
by Alliance Française | Apr 12, 2014 | Blog
The whole French group went to Lille with Eurostar and spent the weekend exploring Lille, its museums, markets, cafés and restaurants.This is what one of Isabelle’ s students wrote on their return:Mon activité préférée à Lille était le marché couvert, parce...