by Alliance Française | Jun 28, 2015 | Blog
Come and join us for our 13th show of French drama this Tuesday upstairs at the Hen and Chicken. It’s an interactive show, and you will get to meet French celebrities (or maybe people pretending to be them)!The second part of the show is based on a reality tv...
by Alliance Française | Jun 21, 2015 | Blog
In one of our French teachers’ class, students were asked this question. One of them, Ingrid, gave this tongue-in-cheek answer:A mon avis, l’événement le plus important de ces 20 dernières années est un moment qui a uni les gens et les a incité à...
by Alliance Française | Jun 14, 2015 | Blog
What is le Dauphiné and where is it?It is an old region of France created by les comtes d’ Albin in the 11th century, they called themselves les dauphins ( le dauphin is the son of the French king) so the region was called le Dauphiné. It was an area in the East...
by Alliance Française | Jun 7, 2015 | Blog
Last week’s workshop got booked up very quickly so, as more people wanted to join, Isabelle, our French teacher and chef, accepted to run another one this coming Tuesday. This one is full too.More info… to join a French cookery class this Summer.Last week,...