by Alliance Française | Nov 26, 2016 | Blog
Jacques Tardi is an illustrator (un dessinateur) well known for adapting French novels into graphic novels, as well as authoring historical graphic novels (des romans graphiques). He has adapted novels by popular crime novelist (auteur de roman policier) Léo Malet....
by Alliance Française | Nov 19, 2016 | Blog
Les Guignols (the puppets, Guignol is the main character of our version of Punch and Judy) is a daily satirical puppet (une marionnette) show on Canal +. It is very popular and runs daily on working days, with a catch up on weekends. Les Guignols, as you can expect...
by Alliance Française | Nov 12, 2016 | Blog
Yesterday was Remembrance day, and as a result I have been asked several times this week whether we wear poppies to celebrate fallen soldiers, and we don’t usually although some people wear cornflowers (les bleuets). However, the armistice is celebrated with a...
by Alliance Française | Nov 5, 2016 | Blog
Persépolis is a beautiful graphic novel (une BD, bande dessinée) written in French by Marjane Satrapi. In it she recalls her childhood in Iran around the revolution. Here is a brief introduction written by one of Audrey’s students, Paul: “Le film est basé...