Isa, our French chef and French teacher, once again is ready to teach a new recipe: une blanquette de poissons aux légumes printaniers et risotto aux petits pois et safran.
La blanquette de veau is a traditional French dish with pieces of veal cooked in a white sauce with wine and mushrooms. So une blanquette de poisson must be prepared in a white sauce too! The only way to discover exactly what it is is to book a place on the course, as soon as possible: for more info…

How well do you know your French vegetables?

 Un petit pois: a pea
Un haricot vert: a French bean
Un épinard: spinach
Une carotte: a carrot
Un navet: a turnip
Un panais: a parsnip
Un rutabaga: swede
Un topinambour: Jerusalem artichoke
Un chou: a cabbage
Un chou fleur: a cauliflower
Un chou de Bruxelles: Brussel sprout
Un chou rouge: a red cabbage
Un chou frisé: kale
Un brocoli: broccoli
Une courgette: a courgette
Une courge musquée: butternut squash
Un potiron: a pumpkin
Une aubergine: an aubergine
Un poivron: a pepper

Feel free to add some to the list in the Comments box!