You know this feeling when it is back to the routine after a lovely holiday, life does not seem worth living! La vie ne vaut pas la peine d’être vécue! Fortunately, Cybermag has the answers for you so that you can enjoy life again!
Are you ready for some tricks against these post holiday blues? Des astuces anti-déprime.
Planifiez vos prochaines vacances: plan your next holiday.
Dépensez-vous: get rid of your energy by going to the gym, especially if you have un patron sur les talons ( a very demanding boss), you need to get rid of your frustration, se débarrasser de sa frustration.
Place à la création: become creative, faites un scrapbook ( yes it is the French word!!) with all these great holiday photos.
Faites le plein de vitamines: take plenty of vitamins. Mangez des oranges, des kiwis, du cassis ( black currants), des poivrons ( peppers), des brocolis.
Au bureau, prenez le taureau par les cornes, take the bull by the horns to sort out problems quickly, pour régler les problèmes rapidement.

If you want to read more about these very wise suggestions (!), go to the Cybermag link, for more info…

Mais surtout, commencez un cours de français! Last but not least piece of advice, join a French class with Alliance Française, either in Bristol or in Bath! For more info…