The French intensive course that we offer every year is becoming more and more popular. Whether you need French tuition in basic French or French classes in intermediate or advanced French, we have something for you:
– If your French feels rather rusty, we will help you cope with practical situations aimed at your requirements such as going to the shop, the restaurant, solving problems, etc…. “A really good start if you have very little French.”
– If your French is of a good standard, we may discover a French region with you, find out more about an area you would like to go to, discuss how to buy a property etc… or go over this grammar point that you always struggle with. “A real boost to help you regain confidence in speaking.”
For instance , last year one of our French tutors had a group with several members going camping in France in the following weeks and they wanted to be able to communicate about small ailments such as:
A stomach upset: une crise de foie
A headache: mal à la tête.
A toothache: mal aux dents
A sun stroke: une insolation
A mosquito bite: une piqûre de moustique
A wasp sting: une piqûre de guêpe
If you wish to find out about our French intensive course, please go to our website: more info…