Cadavre Exquis, or Exquisite Corpse in English, is a collaborative game invented by surrealists. It consists in creating a sentence or a drawing, taking it in turns to add parts to the drawing or words to the sentence. But there’s the rub – you can’t see what the person before has drawn or written.
To help you, you are given the sequence of words you are expecting to produce: Noun, adjective, verb, etc. The game is named after one of the sentences produced by its creators:
« Le cadavre – exquis – boira – le vin – nouveau » The exquisite corpse will drink the new wine

By Sailko (Own work) [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Students learning French with Alliance Française de Bristol have been creating their own, here are a few examples from Audrey’s class:
Un chat vert a mangé une fleur retrécie
La voiture ennuyeuse a couru à la mer épuisée
Le canard fatigué conduit des arbres somptueux
Don’t forget that on Tuesday it is our French drama show at the Hen and Chicken. Come and watch our interactive show called La boule ensanglantée, £2 on the door. Everyone welcome!