Have you heard of L’atelier des lumières dans le 11ème arrondissement de Paris ?
It opened last April in the premises of an old foundry which had been left unoccupied for several years. In 2013, Bruno Monnier, Président de Culturespaces, discovered the site, he was allowed to rent it and created un espace numérique ( a digital space) inside the building.
This is what it looks like now from the outside:
It took 4 years to put everything together and now, inside the building you discover a huge area called la halle where amazing shows of colours, shapes and music take place.
The visitor is transported into the paintings of Klimt and Hundertwasser in 360 degree digital shows, it is an incredible experience ( une expérience incroyable). Here is what the magazine Femme Actuelle wrote about the shows:
On est loin des expos classiques avec leurs toiles suspendues, accompagnées de textes explicatifs. Ici, 140 projecteurs numériques tapissent murs, sol et plafonds des créations de Gustav Klimt et de ses « élèves », qui prennent littéralement vie sous nos yeux et en musique.
What is also very nice is that you can stay as long as you want and watch the shows as many times as you wish.
I cannot recommend it enough. If you are going to Paris, it is a must: c’est incontournable, ce sont spectacles à ne pas manquer.
Here is the link where you can find all the details you need as well as photos and short videos:
Passez-y des moments inoubliables!
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