Emilie, French teacher with Alliance Française de Bristol, has organized a cineclub in Bristol thanks to L’institut Français in London through which films can be borrowed. What is really nice about this system is that we can show films which can’t be seen in ordinary cinemas, so this is your only chance!!!
The film is called Tout ce qui brille. This is the beginning of a saying which goes: tout ce qui brille n’est pas or ( all that shines is not gold).
It is a comedy ( une comédie) by Géraldine Nakache and Hervé Mimran with Leila Bekhi and Géraldine Nakache. The story ( l’histoire ) is about Ely and Lila who are like two sisters. They’ve known each other since childhood ( depuis l’enfance ), they share ( elles partagent) everything and dream ( et rêvent ) of a different life. They both live in the same suburb ( la même banlieue) , 10 minutes away from Paris. But they want to be where it is all happening. They’ll do anything to step into a world which is not theirs and where everything is possible…….
The cineclub is open to all students learning French with Alliance Française de Bristol but also to anyone with an interest in the French language. The film has subtitles in English.
Arrive early to get a drink in the pub before the film starts. For more info…