Martine’s French class has been working on the vocabulary of the sea ( la mer) and she asked her students to start with one noun ( un nom), two adjectives ( deux adjectifs) and three verbs ( trois verbes) and finally four nouns ( quatre noms) all linked to the first word then to carry on with trois verbes, deux adjectifs to end up with un nom. See the results below in the shape of a kite ( un cerf-volant) :
Vaste, profond
Inonder, clapoter, se noircir
Vague, clapotement, galet, salinité
Déferler, monter, goûter
Jaune, salée
Effrayant, mortel
s’enfuir, repousser, craindre
Evasion, horreur, consternation, espoir
Observer, acclamer, croire
Paisible, éteint
You don’t need to be able to write poems to join a class. Alliance Française de Bristol is starting a completebeginners’ class on 4th April, if you would like to join this class, please contact us. For more info…