Ahhh… I can smell the chocolates from here! Only a few days before Christmas, let’s see if you are ready for it!

Have you bought your Christmas tree (votre sapin de noël)? If not it is high time you did it! (Il est grand que vous le fassiez!)

You can decorate your tree with baubles (des boules) and tinsel (des guirlandes), but it might not be as magnificent (grandiose) as the one in the Galeries Lafayette in Paris:

Don’t forget to leave a little cognac for Santa (papa noël) as he might forget your shoes (souliers – we imagine he leaves the presents (les cadeaux) in our shoes, souliers is an old fashion word for chaussures).

One of the best presents this year will be (of course) a French lesson voucher with Alliance Française de Bristol et Bath, coming close second after diamonds or fancy cars!

Next week don’t miss our yearly Mère Noël story written by Martine’s students!