In one of our French teachers’ class, students were asked this question. One of them, Ingrid, gave this tongue-in-cheek answer:

A mon avis, l’événement le plus important de ces 20 dernières années est un moment qui a uni les gens et les a incité à devenir meilleurs. Cet événement a causé des émotions fortes et touché tout le monde.

Bien sûr, je décris la création de mon émission préférée, “The Great British Bake Off”.

unir: to unite
devenir meilleur: to better

Ingrid carries on talking about how she put herself to the challenge (se mettre au défi) of baking more complicated or new dishes thanks to the programme; how she is glued to the screen (elle a les yeux rivés à l’écran) with her house mate (sa colocataire) every week. And how it’s a good thing to talk about at work with her colleagues (ses collègues).

Of course we were just having a bit of fun, but what do you think is really the most significant event of the last 20 years (l’événement le plus marquant de ces 20 dernières années)?

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