by Alliance Française | Mar 5, 2021 | Blog
Read below some creative writing in one of our French classes in Bristol, online In the next few weeks you will be able to follow Allifré the dog in his travels: John, dans la classe de Martine du vendredi matin, a suggéré que chaque étudiant écrive les aventures...
by Alliance Française | Feb 19, 2021 | Announcements, Blog
One of our supporters is amusing himself with writing during lockdown. Can you find some of the 50 actors hidden here? Dans le texte sans queue ni tête ci après, j’ai plus ou moins camouflés les patronymes de 50 actrices et acteurs anciens et modernes, de différentes...
by Alliance Française | Feb 15, 2021 | Blog
Read below some creative writing in one of our French classes in Bristol, online In the next few weeks you will be able to follow Allifré the dog in his travels: John, dans la classe de Martine du vendredi matin, a suggéré que chaque étudiant écrive les aventures...
by Alliance Française | Feb 1, 2021 | Blog
Read below some creative writing in one of our French classes in Bristol, online In the next few weeks you will be able to follow Allifré the dog in his travels: John, dans la classe de Martine du vendredi matin, a suggéré que chaque étudiant écrive les aventures...
by Alliance Française | Jan 28, 2021 | Blog
Students learning French in one of our online groups have created this amazing poem about lockdown (le confinement). Well done to all participants! Play a short game with us underneath; can you link the right stanza with the right person? Marie-Christine: ...
by Alliance Française | Jan 23, 2021 | Blog, Podcasts
Alliance Française de Bristol et Bath · Engrenages Partie 2 Voici notre deuxième podcast avec Grégory Lacroix, premier assistant son ou perchman, qui travaille sur les fictions au cinéma comme à la télévision. Dans cet interview, il nous parle de son travail sur...
by Alliance Française | Jan 20, 2021 | Announcements, Blog
Read below some creative writing in one of our French classes in Bristol, online In the next few weeks you will be able to follow Allifré the dog in his travels: John, dans la classe de Martine du vendredi matin, a suggéré que chaque étudiant écrive les aventures...
by Alliance Française | Jan 15, 2021 | Announcements, Blog
Read below some creative writing in one of our French classes in Bristol, online In the next few weeks you will be able to follow Allifré the dog in his travels: John, dans la classe de Martine du vendredi matin, a suggéré que chaque étudiant écrive les aventures...
by Alliance Française | Dec 4, 2020 | Blog
You might think this is a very surprising title for a blogpost, but in this exercise, students learning French in a class in Bath with Véronique have created a little story, starting by this very sentence, and finishing by ” C’est pour ça qu’elle a...
by Alliance Française | Dec 1, 2020 | Blog
The clémentine was called after Father Clément who lived in Algeria, near Oran at the end of the 19th century. The French clémentine only grows in Corsica ( en Corse) also called l’ Ile de Beauté, it is picked and ready to eat in December. You can find it now...